How Starting Meditation Using Holosync Meditation Solution is the Best Practice


Walter Bagehot said, “No great work has ever been produced except after a long interval of still and musing meditation.” This may account for the reason that over the past 10 years, the number of people in the United States who practice mediation has doubled to 10 million. If you have decided starting meditation as an activity you want to incorporate into your daily routine, The Holosync Meditation Solution is the easiest practice of meditation you can use.

Here are some details summarizing the history of the program. One of the co-creators, Bill Harris and several friends began Centerpointe Research Institute in the fall of 1989. At that time they were researching the affects of precise sounds/audio tones on meditation in order to alter a listener’s state of mind. During this research they also performed personal experimentation with their creation and after four years, according to the write-up on their website, “experienced what could only be described as profound mental, emotional and spiritual changes.” They began marketing their powerful invention soon after.

The Holosync Solution is the easiest practice for starting meditation because it uses cds in its program. These are some of the “best meditation cds” based on sound quality. On them are the incorporated sounds of nature, typically rain, along with electronic tone generators and frequency counters designed to, in layman’s terms, “bring the right side of the brain and left side of the brain more into sync with each other”. Each cd for meditation is recorded as one of 13 programs in the series with each one being more powerful and impacting than the last. Upon receipt of the cds, starting meditation begins with listening to the cd for meditation aptly named “Quietude.” It is a half hour cd that is played every day for two weeks. The ease in use is because you simply put your headphones on, push play and relax listening to the rain fall. During that time you may even fall asleep which is normal. Eventually that tendency is expected to taper off. After two weeks, the cd titled “Oasis” will be incorporated into your routine. At that time you will be starting meditation by playing the Quietude cd and then immediately follow it with the Oasis cd. This all still occurs while you are sitting in your chair with your headphones on. After a certain number of weeks you can choose to progress to the next program level of the series or remain where you are with the Oasis cd for meditation. Regardless of your decision, you are assured to see impressive changes to your mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. You’ll notice significant increases in your personal growth as well as reduced anxiety and reduced stress. Other identified benefits are increased focus, concentration and enhanced creativity. Due to the rapid and sometimes unexpected changes that may happen for people starting meditation, Centerpointe Research is also committed to having friendly personnel on staff who are available to take your call to answer questions or respond to e-mails about the product or your experiences.

In short for The Holosync Meditation Solution, starting meditation can also referred to as the stop, sit and listen plan. Based on this process using these cds for meditation, you would have to agree it’s one of the fastest, simplest, and easiest ways to start meditating.

Remez Sasson: “Your mind is your instrument. Learn to be its master and not its slave.”

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