What NLP Techniques Are Efficient in Overcoming Public Speaking Fear?


Different people have different fears in their lives. For some, they fear of cockroaches or snakes their whole life while others have more subtle fears such as fear of public speaking.

As a matter of fact, fear of public speaking has been ranked, in researches, as the number 1 fear for most people, even ahead of the fear of death!

This is also the case for some of our practitioners. While it is their desires to attend our NLP practitioner program to improve their lives or change bad habits, they also hope they can pick up one or two NLP techniques which can help them overcome public speaking fears.

Do You Too Fear of Speaking?

Beyond a shadow of doubt, public speaking is a common source of stress for everyone. Many of us would like to avoid this problem entirely, but often, it is impossible to do so.

Whether you work alone or with large numbers of people, eventually you will need to speak in public to get certain tasks accomplished. And if you want to be leaders or achieve anything meaningful in our lives, you will often need to speak to groups, large and small.

And if you are wondering if there are any NLP techniques to help you overcome your fear of public speaking, there are and our practitioners find them work wonders!

You see, NLP is basically the study and practice of how we create our reality. From the perspective of an NLP Practitioner, your fear is the result of your programs that you have created that don’t work very well.

With NLP, these constructs are revealed and “re-programmed” so that the fear is minimized and often eliminated.

Moreover, unlike traditional therapies used for countering fear, NLP techniques are rapid and effective, since it effects change at both the conscious and unconscious level.

NLP Technique – Fast Phobia Cure

Known as the “Fast Phobia Cure”, this is one of the most popular NLP techniques to overcome fear in life. In this case, to aid you in overcoming public speaking fears.

The “Fast Phobia Cure” works by allowing an individual to dissociate from and learn from the fearful experience at a neurological level.

Steps to using NLP Technique – Fast Phobia Cure

1. Define what is the fear or phobia that you’d like to work on. In this case is your public speaking fear.

2. Next, get yourself to walk into an imaginary movie theatre of your mind and sit down in the center of the front row.

3. Float up and out of your body and gently settle in a comfortable seat in the balcony, so that you can watch yourself watching the movie. The purpose of this process is to get you dissociated and detached from the fearful experience as much as possible.

4.Next, play and watch the movie of “you” experiencing the fear of public speaking. Ensure the movie screen is in color. (Fear should be absent here because you are detached from the experience)

5.At the end of the movie, freeze the frame into a slide. Change the picture to black and white and then re-associate fully into the picture on the screen (walk into the movie). Run the associated movie backwards at ultra high speed. Freeze screen and frame the image when you get to the beginning of the movie.

6. Walk out of the still picture and sit back down in the center of the front row of the theater. White out the entire screen.

7. Repeat steps 3-6 a few more times, as necessary, until fear is no longer present.

8. Test and future pace. Imagine when you are asked to speak in the public, how would you fear?

Of course, this “Fast Phobia Cure” NLP technique works well on other fears, not only limited to overcome your fear of public speaking.

However, do note that this NLP technique is just a “quick fix”. It works well in temporary relieving you of the fear of public speaking but does not get to the root of the problem.

Therefore, this NLP technique is best used for more minor fears. For more serious fears, you will need to use other more powerful NLP techniques to completely eradicate them.

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