Quit Smoking… Twice The Cigarettes For The Same Price
Before you quit smoking have you ever wondered how you can smoke twice the cigarettes for the same price? Just in case your commitment is lacking.
The answer is you already have! Probably three or four times as many. Sure some people smoke in isolation, but most smoke in the company of others, and often in social situations.
Remember the good old days, when you could go to a pub, nightclub or bar and spend a long evening smoking and drinking with friends? You wake in the morning and your hair skin and clothes reek of stale smoke.
If you are a long-term smoker, you may have had hundreds of evenings like this.
Think about it, on a big night of say, five hours you might have 10-15 cigarettes. This takes you about 40-60 minutes. But in a room full of people there would be some people smoking at any one time.
In effect this means you were smoking for the full 5 hours. Unfortunately the non-smokers were as well., and many have paid a big price for the social norms of the times. This means that your smoking exposure has been much higher than you could ever imagine, and your risk of cancer is sky high.
In addition there where the long car trips in cold weather with smoke filling the car.
I won’t even mention the associated alcohol and junk food snacks, which were a part of that lifestyle. Of course they generally lead to a different set of health problems. All of which were self-generated.
I guess you are thinking I’m not very sympatric. But even in the deep dark past when smoking was done by doctors in advertisements, anyone who had ever sat around a camp fire and inhaled the smoke and then coughed, must of had a suspicion that cigarettes were dangerous.
Here’s the thing, in my many years of helping over 3000 people quit smoking, I rarely found that sympathy was helpful or even sought out.
Frustration, anger, shame and guilt are the most common emotions, saying that everything is going to be all right is a lie and a load of rubbish. Because unless you are in a deep state of denial you will no that no good comes from smoking.
So stop now, or tomorrow, find someone to help you or tough it out, just do it, every day counts and that equally applies to someone who is 25 or 75.