Quit Smoking to Live a Longer & Healthier Life
We all know that cigarettes can cause a gamut of health hazards. But we somehow find it very hard to forsake our addiction to cigarettes. Some believe that cigarettes relieve you from stress. But they also spell doom for your health. Studies show that those who smoke succumbs to various ailments like throat cancer, lung cancer, heart problems, stroke and other painful ailments. Moreover an addict must also remember that your loved ones will suffer from effects of passive smoking as well and they are susceptible to all the above mentioned ailments. This is why constructive efforts must be put in place to make the addicts quit smoking.
We can say here that the process of quitting smoking is easier to say but it is difficult to implement. One has to overcome several hurdles in order to quit smoking habit. To start this long and tedious process,one must first be mentally prepared that under no circumstances will he leave the process midway and start this awful habit again. You must take a firm resolution that you will never lay your hands on cigarettes again. Get rid of the cigarette packets from anywhere near you and start discouraging friends and relatives to smoke in your presence as this will again arouse in you a desire to get a fag.
You have a better chance of getting respite from this gross habit if your family and friends encourage you to thwart cigarettes out of your life. You must get motivated whenever they ask you to abstain from smoking. This way you can keep your mind focused and your quit smoking program will yield great results.
Often there will be stressful circumstances in office or in your home and this will induce a strong urge for a fag. But there are ways of dealing with such strong desires as well and distraction here plays a laudable role. Simply keep your mind distracted with things that you enjoy doing. For example go on a drive, read books, watch movies and this way stress will die a natural death and peace of mind will be restored and the desire will take a back seat. You may find amazingly that an age old habit can be done away with easily.
There are various drugs that can also help you quit smoking.Medications however must not be taken without proper consultations. There may be other medical complications and side effects if the drugs are taken without adhering to certain rule. You may be advised to take nicotine gum, nicotine nasal spray, nicotine patch and some other drugs as well.
If you follow the above rules ardently,there are chances that your addiction will be cured. However,even if you feel a pressing desire to smoke after you have quit smoking under no circumstances shall you give in to this desire because all your efforts will then be in vain.