Maintenance Tips For a Leather Massage Chair
The best massage chair in the market is said to be made of leather. Leather is a very durable and flexible material that could last longer than other upholstery materials. Even though it is beautiful and elegant, the main challenge of maintaining the aesthetics of a leather massager is to clean it without causing any damage to its surface. Maintaining a leather massager could be a pretty challenging task, but if done properly you can be assured that it would definitely last for the years to come.
Prior to cleaning your leather massage chair, make sure that you know what type of leather you are working with. This information is written on the tag attached to your massager, or if you can’t find such information you could contact the manufacturer to know the leather detail. You must also be aware that almost all manufacturers of these massaging tools include tips on how you should clean your massager. Hence, it would be more advisable to follow these tips first before you actually use other cleaning procedures for your leather massage tool.
Basic cleaning of a leather massager chair could be carried out using a gentle moisturizing soap and soft cloth. Upon doing this procedure, try not to over saturate your massager with moistness and never rinse it with water; always put in mind that your massage tool is made up of mechanical materials that could corrode and electrical items that could pose dangers like electrocution and fire. What you should do is to wipe your leather massager with damp cloth to remove excess soap. It is also important to dry dust your massager at least twice or thrice a week using a dusting broom, or if you have a vacuum cleaner attach a soft brush to it and use it to dust your massager.
Of course, your leather massage chair could acquire stains unintentionally especially if there are children around the house. When removing stains try to test a small amount of cleaning agent in an inconspicuous area of your massage chair and if color changes occur do not use such cleaner to remove the specific stains from your massager. For ink stains, dab a cotton swab in isopropyl alcohol and lightly rub it to the affected area, then using a blow drier set at a minimum, dry your massager. For blood, food drippings and other dark stains make a paste using a part of tartar and lemon juice and rub it to the area; leave it for about ten minutes and remove the cleaning agent using a damp rag and moisturizing soap, then buff with dry cloth.
Your leather massage chair could also acquire grease and newspaper stains. What you have to do is to wipe the grease stain using a dry cloth and never use water to remove such stain, and for the newspaper mark spray the area with aerosol spray and immediately wipe with soft cloth. Try to avoid using abrasive cleaners on you leather massager including ammonia-based cleaners, bleach, varnish, saddle soap, and alkaline cleaners as these agents could certainly ruin the aesthetics of your massager. As much as possible keep your massager away from direct sunlight, heat, and air conditioning sources to prevent it from fading, cracking and drying.
Always take into account that even the best massage chair requires regular cleaning in order to maintain its functionality and aesthetic appeal. Once you’re able to utilize appropriate cleaning agents and procedures over your leather massager, you would definitely lengthen its service life. However, if you are still not sure what cleaning process you should use or if your tool is in need of serious cleaning, do not hesitate to seek the assistance of a professional to clean your massager for you.