Erotic Hypnosis Leads To Improved Sexual Performance Without Drugs
The science of erotic hypnosis is not a new concept; nor is it a sexually deviant act. An adult’s sexuality is closely tied to his/her self esteem and self awareness. When a difficulty occurs, getting the way of arousal or sexual enjoyment, a person experiences humiliation and embarrassment, and often develops a fear or anxiety in regards to sex, hindering his ability to perform sexually, even when the original issue is past. There are many different creams and medications on the market to treat these complications, but hypnotism is a safe, chemical free alternative to these.
Objectives for Treatment
The therapist and patient will decide together what objectives will be set for the erotic hypnosis sessions. Obviously, there is a reason the patient came to the therapist, and this is often an ability to become sexually aroused or an inability to maintain arousal long enough to complete or enjoy the act. Barring any medical or physical reason for this, hypnosis has a high probability of being successful. The therapist will lead the patient into a hypnotic state in which the brain becomes vulnerable and suggestible. At this point, the therapist will plant strategies for overcoming the anxiety, fear, or feelings of inferiority that may be causing the problem.
More Reasons for Hypnosis
Sexual dysfunction is not the only reason to pursue erotic hypnosis as a treatment. When a couple reaches the conclusion that their sexual relations are unsatisfying, and that it is possibly caused by the anxiety or inhibitions of one of the partners, they may seek help from a hypnotist. Hypnosis can be used to encourage role playing during sex, making the introvert into the aggressor. The roles of the whore and the stripper are popular themes. If you are considering this, be sure to consult your sexual partner before seeking treatment.
Self Hypnosis
The planted thoughts and strategies in a patient’s brain will eventually lose their power, as the stress and activity of life pushes back in. For this reason, your therapist will likely help you develop some self hypnosis techniques you can use between appointments. This could be in the form of hypnosis tapes that the therapist makes for the patient to listen to between appointments, or it could be relaxation training that will allow the patient to hypnotize himself and reinforce the thoughts and ideas of the original hypnosis.
Other Uses for Hypnosis
Hypnosis has been used for years to help alter all kinds of behaviors. Erotic hypnosis is just one successful hypnosis practice available. Patients have been coming to hypnotists for years to quit smoking, lose weight, and control morning sickness. The hypnotist is able to plant new response to stimuli that once led to the unwanted behaviors.