Lifestyle and Chest Infection among Kids

In Manchester, many children suffer from chest infections. This is because the weather in Manchester is quite cold most of the time, and this can make it easy for kids to catch a chest infection.
But there’s another culprit—the lifestyle of the children. Kids spend most of their time inside playing video games and watching TV. They rarely go outside to play with other children, making it difficult for them to build up an immunity against chest infections.
This eventually causes them to catch a chest infection, which many parents in Manchester are worried about. We’ll cover that in more detail later on in this article. But first, let’s look at how chest infections are caught.
How does a Chest Infection develop?
Bacteria or viruses cross the threshold of the body through the nose, mouth, or lungs and cause chest infections. They can also be spread by coughing, sneezing, and touching someone’s contaminated hands.
When the germs get into the airways (bronchitis), they cause inflammation and swelling, which makes it difficult for people to breathe properly.
Chest infections are common in children in Manchester because they are more likely to come into contact with germs than adults. Children also have weaker immune systems, and their lungs are still developing, which makes them more susceptible to chest infections.
Lifestyles That Make It Easier for Children to Have Chest Infections
Childhood is a time when children are constantly exposed to germs. They go to school where they share pens and pencils with other children, play in the playground where other children have been sick, and come home after playing with friends who may have coughs or colds.
Therefore, parents must take steps to protect their children from getting ill by taking them to a respiratory paediatrician in Manchester. Let’s look at the lifestyles increase the chances of your child developing chest infections:
1. Living with Smokers
Smoking is one of the most common causes of chest infections in children. The smoke irritates the lungs and makes it easier for germs to enter and cause an infection.
If you live with a smoker, ensure your child’s room has its own air conditioning system so that he or she can always breathe clean air.
2. Living in Crowded Conditions
Living in crowded conditions increases your child’s risk of getting a chest infection. This is because there are more people around who can spread germs, and they pass them on easily through coughing and sneezing.
If you live in an apartment building or condo with lots of families, make sure that all homes have their own HVAC systems so that everyone can breathe clean air.
3. Poor hygiene
Poor hygiene can increase the risk of your child getting a chest infection. Your child must wash his or her hands frequently and thoroughly, especially after using the restroom and eating.
You should also ensure that everyone in your household washes their hands when they come home from school or work to prevent germs from spreading around easily. Don’t forget to take your kids to a cough specialist in Manchester for regular checkups.
4. Genetics
Genetics can also increase the risk of your child getting a chest infection. Some people have an immune system that is not as strong as others. If your child has this type of immune system, it is easier for germs to enter their lungs and cause infections.
If you notice that your child regularly gets chest infections, it may be a good idea to see a chest infection specialist Manchester and ask about the possibility of getting tested for an immune deficiency.
5. Exercising vigorously in smoggy areas
If your child is exercising vigorously in smoggy areas, they may put themselves at an increased risk of getting a chest infection.
Exercising vigorously can make your lungs work harder, which means they need more oxygen. If the surrounding air contains cigarette smoke or other pollutants, it can make it harder for your child to breathe and absorb enough oxygen from their surroundings.
6. Having a poor diet
A poor diet can make your child susceptible to a chest infection. The vitamins and minerals in fresh fruit, vegetables, and other healthy foods help boost the immune system, and certain nutrients can help prevent infections.