Core Star Meditation
With due respect to reiki and pranic grand master Mr. Virendra Thakkar, I am presenting a very powerful core self -empowerment technique known as Core Star mediation.
Hara alignment
- Be aware of the Tan-Tien 1 and ½ inch below the belly button on the middle of the body. Feel the power and Heat there.Feel the heat as in the molten core of the earth stay focused there until it is very hot. Take very slow and deep 10 breaths by counting 10 to 1, while constantly visualizing the Tan-Tien point.
- Be aware of the Soul- seat in the chest 2 and ½ inch below the hollow in your throat. It is not the heart chakra. It is like diffused light around a candle. Soul’s longing and the song of the Soul, resides here. When you connect with it, it feels like a bulb being blown up inside your chest. It has spherical appearance. Take another set of 10 breaths, counting 10 to 1, while visualizing the Soul -seat.
- Feel the laser line going from the Soul-seat down through the Tan-Tien in the pelvis and into the centre of the Earth. Take 10 deep breaths, while focusing on the core of the earth.
- Focus on the Laser line going through the Soul seat —Tan Tien—pelvis—centre of the Earth. Feel the strength and silence in the room.
- Be aware of the ID point, 2 and ½ to 3 feet above your head, ¼ inch in diameter. While visualizing the ball, keep your spine straight, you may hear a high-pitched sound, if your auditory perception is open this is like God-Head ID point. Take 10 deep breaths, while focusing on ID point. Feel that tiny laser beam [half the size of your little finger] going to the molten core of the earth through the Soul-seat and the Tan Tien.
- Feel the power. This is alignment. This is bridge between heaven and earth.
Light Emerging From the Core Star
- Be aware of the Core-star 1and1/2 inch above the belly -button. There is the essence of your
– Who you are beyond time, space, longing and desires.
– At this place there is no need, no pain, no desire, you are simply a creator.
The creative force moves from the core-star through the ID point Soul-seat and Tan-Tien on the haric level.
Allow the light within your Core star to emerge within every cell of your body, bringing the members of your body together within the light of your body. That light is the light of your core star the God within.
Do this where there is
– Pain or illness.
– Anger or fear.
– Suspicion or greed.
Allow that essence to flow through each layer of the auric field.