7 Quit Smoking Facts That You Should Know Before Even Think About Doing It
If you are on your way to finally stop smoking cigarettes, you should understand about quit smoking facts so that you will not get the wrong idea. Quit smoking right now is always a good idea for you but your friends might give you wrong information about it since they still lack of knowledge regarding this matter. I list down 7 quick smoking facts that you should know.
1) Quit smoking will not gain your weight.
Some of you might say that when you quit smoking, you will gain your weight because you will eat a lot of food. I do not understand how people can come up with this ridiculous idea. The truth is your body weight has nothing to do with your stop smoking habit. It might be true that you will get your sense of taste on food back but that does not mean you will eat more food than ever before. If you can control your diet plus with some exercises, your weight of course will look even better.
2) You will not harm other people anymore.
Did you know that second hand smoke is the third preventable cause of death? You may only think that when you smoke, you only harm yourself but the truth is surrounding people around you will be affected as well. You should congratulate yourself for taking a big step to quit smoking immediately since you are helping other people as well.
3) No more wasting on money.
Smoking can cause you money and there is no denying about it. A pack of cigarettes is not cheap and usually heavy smokers smoke more than one pack per day. If one pack is going to cost you $3 and you buy three packs per day, in one month you just spend $270 for your cigarettes. That means in one year you have lost more than $3000, my goodness.
4) Big chance to get a job.
Certain employers are strict regarding this matter. They do not want their staff to smoke because usually smokers will tend to have lots of medical leave and this is not good for a company.
5) More chances on bedding a hot date.
For bachelors out there, have you ever wonder why hot chicks just simply do not want to bed with you? They might feel uncomfortable with your bad breath and not to mention those dirty stain on your teeth due to smoking. You may laugh about this fact but it might be true.
6) Increase your year of living.
There is no denying about it, hardcore smokers will die earlier than those who are not smoking. Smoke can cause you to have a heart attack, cancer, bad lung and so many more sudden illness. If you want to live longer, do your best to kick your bad habit right now.
7) Your childrens’ health is secure.
Your child will be more prone to asthma and ear, nose and chest infections, increased risk of dying from sudden infant death syndrome, and increased risk of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. You do not want this to happen to your child now, do you?
There you have it, some quit smoking facts that can make you feel a lot safer to stop smoking. Always remember that quitting smoking can only make your life even better.